miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

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service-oriented modeling generally endeavors to create models that provide a comprehensive analysis, design and architecture of all software entities "in buy soma 350mg Des Moines an organization that can be understood by people with different levels of the business and technical knowledge.

Service-oriented buy soma 350mg Des Moines modeling usually encourages visualization software buy soma 350mg Des Moines entities such as "active" (focusing on active service), and refers to these assets collectively as "services". There are many different approaches have been proposed for the modeling of services, including EMS and FOBT. IBM announced Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) that the first publicly announced SOA-related methodology in 2004 [1]. EMS refers to the broader context buy soma 350mg Des Moines of the modeling of services required to design and build SOA. SOMA covers a broader scope and implement service-oriented analysis and design (SOAD) through the identification, specification and realization of services, components that provide these services (also known as "components service ") and flows buy soma 350mg Des Moines that can be used to compose services. EMS includes an analysis and design method that extends the traditional analysis methods and object-oriented design based on components to include the buy soma 350mg Des Moines relevant concerns and support of SOA. It consists of three main phases of the identification, specification and implementation of three key elements of SOA, namely, services, components that provide these services (also known as components service) and flows that can be used to compose services. SOMA is a method from one end to SOA for the identification, buy soma 350mg Des Moines specification, implementation and delivery of services (including services information), components, flows (process / composition).

SOMA is based on current techniques in areas such as domain analysis, which represents the functional areas, analysis of the variability caused (VOA) process modeling , component-based development, object-oriented analysis and design and modeling use cases.

SOMA introduces new modeling techniques such as service goals, the creation of the service model and test services for help determine the level of detail of a service. SOMA identifies the services, the limits of the components, flows, compositions and additional information, including through domain decomposition techniques, the goal of modeling services and analysis of buy soma 350mg Des Moines existing assets. Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) is composed of the buy soma 350mg Des Moines stages of identification, specification, realization, implementation, deployment and management in which the fundamental building blocks of SOA are identified thenrefined and applied in each phase. The fundamental building blocks of SOA consists of services, components, flows, and related, lainformation, policy and contracts. The service-oriented modeling framework (FOBT) has been proposed by the author Michael Bell a holistic buy soma 350mg Des Moines and anthropomorphic modeling language for software development disciplines and uses a universal language to provide strategic and tactical solutions to business problems. [2] The term "global language" is part of a modeling language that can be used to design an application, the economic and technological buy soma 350mg Des Moines environment, whether local or distributed.

This universality can include the design and application-level enterprise solutions including SOA landscapes nubeentornos computer. The term "anthropomorphic", on the other hand, subsidiaries of the tongue with the intuition of FOBT implementation and ease of use.

In addition, FOBT language and notation was adopted by the platform modeling for Sparx Enterprise Architect that enables architects, engineers, managers, modelers, developers and contractors and technical analysts to pursue the head of the disciplines Lifecycle FOBT. The service-oriented modeling framework (FOBT) is a methodology based on service life cycle development, a process of discipline-specific modeling. Offers a variety of modeling practices and disciplines that contribute to a successful development-oriented services and life cycle modeling project (see left image).

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